One of the great ways that WordPress has inspired me is by giving me the chance to showcase all the great fashion photography that is part of the process of selling my fashion designs. The most fun for me is creating a whole different look for myself based on the style I am selling.
Its been great to be so inspired and even better to get to express myself on so many different venues with so many different sides of myself.

This is a snapshot of my webstore,  You can see there are lots of different looks going on here.
The first picture in the top row was the most fun I had. I went for the lazy – housewife – who – was – out – clubbing – all – night  look. I wore  a wig and blue and red lipstick and had some great photography done. The full range of pictures can be found here.
Then I did the next listing going for an 80s roller derby look. I put on some blue lipstick, roller skates,  gave myself an 80s hairstyle  and had a blast! The full listing is here.
One of other favorites is found in the second row where I went for a zombie theme for the hooded halter dress. I felt like queen of the night in that dress!

But I think my ultimate favorite is in the third row (second picture), where I went for a punk military look. You can see I am wearing a pink wig and am barely recognizable as my typical curly haired funky chick. I called them my grenade launcher pants and it just brought out that side of me! Check out the rest of the crazy shoot here. 

How has WordPress inspired you? 

For the full experience and more photos of each look, you can see the actual website in the photo right at

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